Thursday, July 2, 2009

"Feel Like Letting My Freak Flag Fly...

...yes, i feel like i owe it to someone" ~ Crosby, Stills and Nash.

July 2, 2009.

The Delhi High Court has ruled that homosexual intercourse between consenting adults is not a criminal act. 

I can't stop smiling.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Must Be A Quarterlife Crisis

Written June 23, 2009. 
Stony Brook.

So this is what a quarterlife crisis feels like. A week ago the Dizzy Gillespie album i have playing would have been a background soundtrack as i went about my chores. It would have faded...diffused into oblivion somewhere in its journey between the speakers and my ears. A pleasant hum to enjoy while getting by in life. Tonight i hear each note, each beat, each glorious rise and each sombre fall of the trumpet. I am now 25 (which, i believe, is the new 30). Its time to take stock of the time gone by and scramble to grasp at the rapidly ebbing tide of opportunity. Try to keep a wave upon the sand, if you like. Or is that a myth? Is one ever too old? Well, one can never tell i guess. Just gotta live it. The 25th birthday has taught me to be thankful, has reminded me that laughter is essential to survival and reinforced the power and desire to love. So, while i may not be overjoyed by the idea of turning 25, i am left feeling hopeful, excited and, above all, optimistic. Who'da thunk it, eh? 

What next? Eh, live and learn.

Enough of the gloom and doom. Send in the clowns!